Monday, August 30, 2010

Our seedlings are growing!

About 20% of the seeds that we planted in class came up over the weekend. If all goes well, most of the seeds that have been planted should be coming up by the end of the week. It is amazing to see how some of the seed coats on the sunflowers and zinias are still attached, but will soon fall off. Exciting....

If there is anyone that is interested in donating any houseplants that they may not want, the greenhouse is always willing for new residents!

This week we will be reviewing scientific method, basic chemistry (atoms and compounds) and students have their first weekly assignment due on Friday!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I am so excited for this year! We are going to do some great things...

I would like to welcome my Biology students to their freshman year. I look forward to meeting all of you and getting to know you better. The first couple days of school will require some perfunctory reviews of the school, rules, and lots of paper work for the parents. However, amidst the fray, we will plant our first plants in the greenhouse! Yes, the greenhouse will be getting its first year of a greenhouse. Excited to see you soon!!!

Joke: So a mushroom (bacidiomycota) walks into a restaurant and says "I would like to be seated." The server apologizes and says that "the restaurant doesn't serve his kind there." The mushroom shrugs his shoulders and replies "Come on, I'm a fun-gi..."